Episode 1
You should interview the women who have been putting out the candidate surveys for all Oregon elections, where the candidates are not scared to take a stand. It's the Oregon Abigail Adams Project (oregonabigailadams.org)
Welcome...good luck on getting guest. 😄 Check us out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653513341349731 which might give you some ideas for guests...also our meetings on our website https://www.lentsneighborhoodlivabilityassociation.org/lnla-meetings-2024
You should interview the women who have been putting out the candidate surveys for all Oregon elections, where the candidates are not scared to take a stand. It's the Oregon Abigail Adams Project (oregonabigailadams.org)
Welcome...good luck on getting guest. 😄 Check us out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653513341349731 which might give you some ideas for guests...also our meetings on our website https://www.lentsneighborhoodlivabilityassociation.org/lnla-meetings-2024